Maintenance and Vegetation Management
Trusted to do the job right. Providing services to all areas of Townsville.
Our Services
- Domestic Vegetation Services – Residential Lawn Mowing Services
- Commercial Vegetation Control & Slashing
- Commercial Spraying – Chemcert Accredited
- Solar Farm Vegetation Control
- Tree Trimming and Hedging
- Rail Corridor Vegetation Control – Rail Industry Worker Competent (RIWC)
- Labour Hire
Service Areas
Poletti Maintenance & Vegetation is a long term local North Queensland business based in Townsville and operate within:
- Cairns to Mackay
- Central QLD
- Townsville to Hughenden
Fully Insured
We are fully insured and take pride in producing a Safe Work Environment & ZERO Harm Policy.
Workplace Health & Safety Compliance

Industrial & Commercial Vegetation Management
We have been working in the local area for many years. Our client list includes
- UGL Rail
- Aurizon
- Queensland Sugar Terminal
- Honeycombes Property
- Townsville City Council
and many other local businesses.